Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Happy Darwin Day!

Whew, I'm glad we made it past the Mayan Apocalypse!    It would be fun to research a list of all the purported doomsdays I've survived since my birthday.

Meanwhile, I've found some more fun citizen science projects to keep myself entertained and thought I'd post them here to share:

  •  -- my favorite is the Ocean Floor Explorer
  • -- exciting to think you could help discover a new minor planet!
  • -- just found this site, need to check it out
  • -- the Great Backyard Birdcount is nigh!

Of course, there's many other volunteer science projects.  Museums, universities, hobby clubs, are all great places to get plugged into a project.  I've helped a little at the Heard museum preparing a mosasaur, and hope to get out to the Arlington Archosaur Site sometime this spring.

We recently saw the movie The Big Year.  It was a fun show and the paralleled story-line of the ruby-throated hummingbird will be in my mind this spring... although for us we have our resident chimney swifts that come to roost soon, at about the same time our juncos migrate north.